mercredi 3 décembre 2008

Content theft #3 : creating content like a professionnal

Here you have two example of fan made movie clip. What unites them and makes them different from the "Robin" fan made video is that they have been shooted. They're not movie clip, their original created content and when we pay attention to the wayu they've been made, they really are expensive ! They've cost a lot of money and they're really brillantly well filmed like real Hollywood made movies ! These movies are definitly an exception in our nowadays society : they'r ereally far from the regular fan made video. In fact they've been made by true professionnals ! And one may wonder what is the damn' business model of such production !?

As you ca, see it this video is a real patchwork of various movies and is totally mad and ironical -though the movie is really serious- the irony comes from the non sense mix of totally different universe (if we may see each movie as a kind of self closed and coherent universe) with no explanations ! As if they were saying to tyhe fans : here is your video, now you're satisfied and therefore, don't ask any questions !

This one is a false teaser for a movie that has never been produced and as a matter of fact this is quite a long teaser ! Moreover, this video consists in a constant crescendo that doesn't end, a crescendo so long that at the end, the video is almoast funny ! And to finish with this comment : the music is taken from The Matrix Revolutions...

jeudi 27 novembre 2008

Content theft #2 : BATMAN fan made video !

This video has been done by a fan on Nolan's Batman. The cast and content of the next movie is doing such a buzz on the Internet that some poeple are working like a hell in order to make entertaining videos exploiting this issue. The purpose of this teaser is to entertain and to help fan to be patient and wait untill the next movie and of course to express one's opinion about what qill happen next !

mercredi 26 novembre 2008

The danger of Internet #2 : digital pirats or the case of Kevin Mitnick

Who was Kevin Mitnick ?
Kevin Mitnick was a haker who became very famous thanks John Badham's movie War Game where the WWIII was launched because of a computer genius such as Kevin.

Kevin started his "career" at 12 when he cheated the L.A bus system and could get free bus rides anywhere in the greater LA area. He continued in high school where he was introduced by "Petronix" to phone phreaking and started then to manipulate telephones for free. Mitnick also cracked the access to the speaker systems of restaurants.
However he really became famous when he started the computer hacking. He was famous for having hacked the FBI, the Pentagon, the Los Angeles school network and some others.

Kevin Mitnik is the first and the very figure of the cyber crime (before NEO !) and is the symbol of a cybercriminal a matter of fact, every culture can be dangerous...cyber-culture and e-culture also can be Kevin is a professionnal of Internet Security system and try to show us that he is not anymore a hacker and that his carrier is finished...he can be actually compared to somone like Franck William Junior Abgnal and the case of PAM AM(a modern version of Abagnal though !)

How to make money on Internet #8 : become a music producer !

My major company is a very famous website that grant you the possibility to invest money in the carrier of artists and therefore to become a true producer. Of course, as anyone can invest, there are different ways to reward the producers ! The biggest producers may have special treatment such as private courses with the artist, free concerts, very specialized services and attenton from the artist and the like. This is also a way for some poeple to come in the very closed word of music producers and to contribute a little bit to this magic ! However this activity is not only designed for fans : anyone can become a producer !! So why loosing time ? Find an artist and become a producer ! Be smart and you will make it !

How to make money on Internet #7 : be creative in the things you sell on ebay

We all knew that we can sell things on E-bay.
Some poeple have tried to get rich or famous through these website. We all know about the example of the guy who started with a little item that he sold on e-bay and who could finally buy a home after many and many exchange on e-bay.
This example just like the million dollard home page inspired a lot of poeple. This man wrote a book about his story and lot of poeple want nowadays to imitate him ! However, though we criticized the business model of the "million dollar home page" selling things cleverly on e-bay is just like pure businness ! Thefore, this business model is legitimate according to me !
To succeed you just have to be creative and clever !
Few examples : sell your head to an advertiser and get money ! Sell you skin to a brand ! Sell your life on e-bay ! Your entire life ! There are lots of possibilities that we all could figure out ! All you have to do is TO BE CREATIVE AND TO DO A LOT OF BUZZ AROUND IT ! It's a communication problem and a creativity problem !
You can become rich, this is possible (though hard) just think ! Use your brain !

How to make money on Internet #6 : The million dollard page

What is the milion dollar page ?
This Idea is a creation of Alex Tew : we all knows what it is about...he created a one milion pixel page and proposed to sell 1 dollard each pixel...and who could believe it : he sold them all !! Is there any business model possible ?

Is it possible for poeple to imitate this idea ? Well, in fact some poeple tried...but they never had the same success because this strategy could only be successful once ! Internet is based on the buzz and buzz means that you have a new, an original trend, product or idea that can catch people's attention...a new way to make money will definitly be a good way to make buzz...however : is the million dollar page original and attractive when thousands of poeple use the same trick ?! Not really...this page was attractive when it was new...this is the reason why this young boy could find poeple ready to pay...but soomething like that cannot last for ever because its business model is based on the buzz marketing !

Therefore, the million dollard page is not a good way to make money on WAS a good way to make money on the Internet !

How to use internet on your job once you get it ?

There can be many answers to this question but I will only answer through two main points.

1° In my job.
The main fact you have to consider is that it depend on the kind of job you are looking for. As I have worked in the VIDEO ON DEMAND market, my job was practical and strategic and both part needed a certain knowledge of Internet.

I've been posting videos, doing programming for the next months, providing contents and their related materials, studying the results, designig communication strategies. But the strategic part of my job consisted in studying this market thanks to Internet tools. Blogs, newsletters, information Website are crucial tools. In order to work in a such competitive market you have to find a good deal of useful blogs in order to be informed and be aware of the kind of information poeple may have access to (blogs are public and anyone can have access to them !). In one word : one have to pay attention to what the trendsetters may write or think because they may represents the feelings of the majority or influence it ! They're important in order to follow the mutation and the evolution of the society. Of course, you have to be looking for constantly for new website that may be able to rise amoung others in order to get prepared to react and face your competitors !

2°In the coporation.
As regards the collaborative aspect of Internet it's easy to point out how usefull Internet can be ! We can share documents very easily, share informations and keep in touch without having to speak together. However, you still got to keep a great amount of sheets of paper that you had to sign. As a matter of fact the corporations where I was working was keeping all the contracts and important signed document -just in case and for their archives- therefore, to my mind, the ZERO PAPER slogan is just a myth...just like e-mails : Internet is not going to be the only way of communicating ! People are still using telephones, mails and still appreciate to meet each other (through diners for instance) ! These facts changed my mind and my opinion about Internet importance in a professionnal environment.