jeudi 25 septembre 2008


Look !
Here you have an example of what looks like the logo rss on a web site. Clicking on the Icon or on the link allows you to have access to the rss application.
But what exactly is an rss ?
An rss is a data format (often XML based) used for providing users with frequently updated content. Content distributors syndicate a web feed by allowing users to subscribe to it. The main use of the rss is dedicated to the reception of news (AFP for instance).
It is very useful for a blogue for instance because poeple can be aware of all the recent changes though they haven't witnessed these changes. This application is a very crucial point in a constant changing digital word where we are not able to follow every thing at the same moment.
Making a collection of web feeds accessible is known as aggegation which is performed by an Internet aggregator.
Here you have a little video showing what is an rss. It's pretty easy and nice. Whatch it on Dailymotion.

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