mercredi 3 décembre 2008

Content theft #3 : creating content like a professionnal

Here you have two example of fan made movie clip. What unites them and makes them different from the "Robin" fan made video is that they have been shooted. They're not movie clip, their original created content and when we pay attention to the wayu they've been made, they really are expensive ! They've cost a lot of money and they're really brillantly well filmed like real Hollywood made movies ! These movies are definitly an exception in our nowadays society : they'r ereally far from the regular fan made video. In fact they've been made by true professionnals ! And one may wonder what is the damn' business model of such production !?

As you ca, see it this video is a real patchwork of various movies and is totally mad and ironical -though the movie is really serious- the irony comes from the non sense mix of totally different universe (if we may see each movie as a kind of self closed and coherent universe) with no explanations ! As if they were saying to tyhe fans : here is your video, now you're satisfied and therefore, don't ask any questions !

This one is a false teaser for a movie that has never been produced and as a matter of fact this is quite a long teaser ! Moreover, this video consists in a constant crescendo that doesn't end, a crescendo so long that at the end, the video is almoast funny ! And to finish with this comment : the music is taken from The Matrix Revolutions...

jeudi 27 novembre 2008

Content theft #2 : BATMAN fan made video !

This video has been done by a fan on Nolan's Batman. The cast and content of the next movie is doing such a buzz on the Internet that some poeple are working like a hell in order to make entertaining videos exploiting this issue. The purpose of this teaser is to entertain and to help fan to be patient and wait untill the next movie and of course to express one's opinion about what qill happen next !

mercredi 26 novembre 2008

The danger of Internet #2 : digital pirats or the case of Kevin Mitnick

Who was Kevin Mitnick ?
Kevin Mitnick was a haker who became very famous thanks John Badham's movie War Game where the WWIII was launched because of a computer genius such as Kevin.

Kevin started his "career" at 12 when he cheated the L.A bus system and could get free bus rides anywhere in the greater LA area. He continued in high school where he was introduced by "Petronix" to phone phreaking and started then to manipulate telephones for free. Mitnick also cracked the access to the speaker systems of restaurants.
However he really became famous when he started the computer hacking. He was famous for having hacked the FBI, the Pentagon, the Los Angeles school network and some others.

Kevin Mitnik is the first and the very figure of the cyber crime (before NEO !) and is the symbol of a cybercriminal a matter of fact, every culture can be dangerous...cyber-culture and e-culture also can be Kevin is a professionnal of Internet Security system and try to show us that he is not anymore a hacker and that his carrier is finished...he can be actually compared to somone like Franck William Junior Abgnal and the case of PAM AM(a modern version of Abagnal though !)

How to make money on Internet #8 : become a music producer !

My major company is a very famous website that grant you the possibility to invest money in the carrier of artists and therefore to become a true producer. Of course, as anyone can invest, there are different ways to reward the producers ! The biggest producers may have special treatment such as private courses with the artist, free concerts, very specialized services and attenton from the artist and the like. This is also a way for some poeple to come in the very closed word of music producers and to contribute a little bit to this magic ! However this activity is not only designed for fans : anyone can become a producer !! So why loosing time ? Find an artist and become a producer ! Be smart and you will make it !

How to make money on Internet #7 : be creative in the things you sell on ebay

We all knew that we can sell things on E-bay.
Some poeple have tried to get rich or famous through these website. We all know about the example of the guy who started with a little item that he sold on e-bay and who could finally buy a home after many and many exchange on e-bay.
This example just like the million dollard home page inspired a lot of poeple. This man wrote a book about his story and lot of poeple want nowadays to imitate him ! However, though we criticized the business model of the "million dollar home page" selling things cleverly on e-bay is just like pure businness ! Thefore, this business model is legitimate according to me !
To succeed you just have to be creative and clever !
Few examples : sell your head to an advertiser and get money ! Sell you skin to a brand ! Sell your life on e-bay ! Your entire life ! There are lots of possibilities that we all could figure out ! All you have to do is TO BE CREATIVE AND TO DO A LOT OF BUZZ AROUND IT ! It's a communication problem and a creativity problem !
You can become rich, this is possible (though hard) just think ! Use your brain !

How to make money on Internet #6 : The million dollard page

What is the milion dollar page ?
This Idea is a creation of Alex Tew : we all knows what it is about...he created a one milion pixel page and proposed to sell 1 dollard each pixel...and who could believe it : he sold them all !! Is there any business model possible ?

Is it possible for poeple to imitate this idea ? Well, in fact some poeple tried...but they never had the same success because this strategy could only be successful once ! Internet is based on the buzz and buzz means that you have a new, an original trend, product or idea that can catch people's attention...a new way to make money will definitly be a good way to make buzz...however : is the million dollar page original and attractive when thousands of poeple use the same trick ?! Not really...this page was attractive when it was new...this is the reason why this young boy could find poeple ready to pay...but soomething like that cannot last for ever because its business model is based on the buzz marketing !

Therefore, the million dollard page is not a good way to make money on WAS a good way to make money on the Internet !

How to use internet on your job once you get it ?

There can be many answers to this question but I will only answer through two main points.

1° In my job.
The main fact you have to consider is that it depend on the kind of job you are looking for. As I have worked in the VIDEO ON DEMAND market, my job was practical and strategic and both part needed a certain knowledge of Internet.

I've been posting videos, doing programming for the next months, providing contents and their related materials, studying the results, designig communication strategies. But the strategic part of my job consisted in studying this market thanks to Internet tools. Blogs, newsletters, information Website are crucial tools. In order to work in a such competitive market you have to find a good deal of useful blogs in order to be informed and be aware of the kind of information poeple may have access to (blogs are public and anyone can have access to them !). In one word : one have to pay attention to what the trendsetters may write or think because they may represents the feelings of the majority or influence it ! They're important in order to follow the mutation and the evolution of the society. Of course, you have to be looking for constantly for new website that may be able to rise amoung others in order to get prepared to react and face your competitors !

2°In the coporation.
As regards the collaborative aspect of Internet it's easy to point out how usefull Internet can be ! We can share documents very easily, share informations and keep in touch without having to speak together. However, you still got to keep a great amount of sheets of paper that you had to sign. As a matter of fact the corporations where I was working was keeping all the contracts and important signed document -just in case and for their archives- therefore, to my mind, the ZERO PAPER slogan is just a myth...just like e-mails : Internet is not going to be the only way of communicating ! People are still using telephones, mails and still appreciate to meet each other (through diners for instance) ! These facts changed my mind and my opinion about Internet importance in a professionnal environment.

Internet in my life…

Internet constitutes nowadays the half of my life. I go everyday on internet (and sometimes all night long !) for a scholar, professional or personal purpose.

As a matter of fact there are activities that I do almoast every day such as checking my mail, visiting Facebook (usefull wheb you have friends that you cannnot see, which permits me to keep in touch with my friends, particularly with those who are abroad) watching videos on video sharing website or listening music.

I also listen music on Internet (no matter if I'm home or at school) every day. When I want to discover new thing I go on Dailymotion or Youtube. Then I download unlawfully the groupe or the album I liked or I listen them on Deezer if they are available. Personnaly I like Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. Recently I have discovered James Newton Howard's music for I AM A LEGEND. A nice score. I go on Youtube, Dailymotion at least once in a day ! Sometime more ! I can spend hours there ! Recently I've discovered an old American cartoon : SPAWN (adapted from Tod Maxferlane) or Pirates of Dark Water ! Both were very good shows. They are not childlish at all though they are cartoons !

Internet is of course very usefull as regards my scholarship. As a matter of fact : my main information provider is Internet ! I only use books when I want to focus on specific point -though I can download sometimes books on Internet or read for free books on some website ! Wikipedia is an excellent tool when I am starting a research for it gives me general information and links to more specialized website. Recently with a team we have been using a google doc in order to make our collaboration simpler ! Personnally I think I will use my blog for my memo this year in order to do a little marketing research : sending links to poeple I know when I will be abroad and writing down their feelings and answers to the videos I will show them (I am doing a memo on video theft on internet). I also think I will try to keep the habit of using wikis : SAY WE is very interesting because I can learn a lot of things thanks to my mates !

During my Interneship, I've been using e-tools in order to communicate and to do some marketing research ! I had to do some bench marking on the web in order to learn the trends of the market ! I also had to learn how to use the Intranet of my corportion : sharing information is a very important part of any kind of job in our contemporary society ! However, as far as I am concerned I think the telephone is still a very important tool (I know this may be astonishing !) : when I was stuck, or facing a problem, telephone was much more helpful than e-mails because I could catch and keep the attention of my counterpat and therfore find a solution together!

As I want to work in the digital audiovisual word (dailymotion for instance is my main target for now !) Internet will definitly be a part of my futur job and I hope Internet and I would become intimates and that I will have a lot of fun in my prospective job !

How to use Internet to get a job ?

There are various tools that might help you to get a job on Internet, various useful website !
First , imagine that you have to write your cv : you can make a video on YOUJOB for instance and post a video presentation of yourself ! This can be a new and quick way to show a bit of yourself and point out one's own commitment in the Internet ! And this is all the more positiv because this kind of cv is much more funny to do !

iQuesta is another useful website ! Thanks to this job, you can publish your CV, look for internship, be warned by e-mail when you receive new offers, be granted student job or other kind of services. You have to create your profile so that any kind of employers will be able to have access to it. This constitutes a powerfull tool which will follow you through your life time !

jeudi 20 novembre 2008

Reading and Correction Test:

At the moment, I am working in a corporation that produces software for childrens. That corporation of 65 employees is located in Paris in the 15th “arrondissement” in the street called Rue Maubert.

We received a subvention from the state to hire young interns -this being how I received my salesman job. At the beginning, In the first time,I was responsible for the marketing department, but I changed later.

We sell a range of products under the Youngsoft brand. We have many charges associated with marketing. Our billboards in the metro are one of the most expensive. Our Press Relations department also has a very large budget. We realize our own ads with the editorial staff and we do our own edition of user books.

Our quarterly results for this year have been all very profitable and the market is very interesting right now. That is why we are profitable.

We want to commercialize our products in Tahiti because we think metropolitan customers would be interested in buying them.

In one word, because of our strong ethical commitment and interesting market niche, we are having a rosy future.

lundi 17 novembre 2008

How to make money on the Internet #5 : Assciated Content

AC's platform enables anyone to participate in the new content economy by publishing content on any topic, in any format (text, video, audio and images), and connects that content to consumers, partners and advertisers.

Content Producers benefit in three major ways from the possibility to publish: fair payment compensation, online discoverability and distribution through our partner sites. Anyone can become a Content Producer.

Associated Content publishes authentic, useful and informative content on nearly every conceivable topic, produced by real people sharing real-world expertise from diverse perspectives

The great variety of AC's production is very useful for any corporation that needs authentic content for their websites or advertisment strategy.

One can post video, text posts or even pictures (drawings or photos)on every all kind of themes : somone may find what you create interesting !

jeudi 13 novembre 2008


Is Internet able to save the world ?

Digital divide refers to the gap we may have between the poeple conneted to the web or in a way with the computer science world. We usually talk about the global digital devide to describe the digital difference between countries.

WHEN it comes to computing power, the gap between Africa and the western countries
is still huge. Less than 5% of Africans have access to the internet. African connection fees are the most expensive (around $250-300 a month)for a very awful quality (the slowest connection speeds in the world). E-commerce does not even exist. There are something like few thousands websites. Blogging activities existes but is quite peripheral.

Of its 48 countries, the 28 in central and eastern Africa are connected to the web thanks to western satellites. Apart from the occasional internet based system at a diamond mine or a Uited Nations camp, whole regions African country such as Congo and Sudan, (sub-Saharan Africa's two largest countries !!!), have no connection at all.
And as regards the other countries which developped the internet technology, they still start from a very low base.

Internet can't be eaten. That is a fact. We don't have and cannot expect Internet to change the way poeple live in the poor rural world, however, the internet science is able to connect Africa to foreign countries and may be a way to increase the general level of development in Africa ! It can also help the western countries which have troubles with poor poeple who are suffering from social exclusion (in the European suburbs or the British and American Inner Cities). Reserchers and business men such as Nicolas Negroponte or Bill Gates are trying to develop prototypes of cheap computers and are trying to lower the Internet connexions cost. Spreading the access to Internet is an important strategy to the development of theses country. Such strategy can be a way to integrate poor poeple in the new digital economy and world.

This is not a perfect strategy but it is still is a step forward a better world.

mercredi 12 novembre 2008

How to make money on Internet #4 : playing VIDEO GAMES !

Video games on Internet are very common place.
And it is very easy to earn money through video games.
We have different possibilites.

You may play poker on Internet or such kind of games. This kind of games are more and more used by poeple from the yongest to the oldest. In a country such as France, the state is the only entitled to rule the world of this kind of game, a rule is about to make legal tis kind of game on te web. This shows how massivly these games are played on the web !!

However, there are still other way to earn money : virtal gaming with SECOND Life for instance where you can earn a virtual but convertible money thanks to a true parallel but legal workplace. You can for instance play a hustler and then earn money if you are very famous !!!

Another possibility consists in playing like hell to MMORPG and to sell one's caracter ! This kind of trade is worthy because there is always somone who wants to buy a very powerfull caracter without spoiling his life on the web !!

mardi 11 novembre 2008

Content theft #1 : video game fan made clip

Here you can see an example of a GMV. This kind of video consists in extracting video from a video game in order to create an entertaining movie clip that is designed to fit with a music !!! This one rocks a lot !! Enjoy then !

HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON INTERNET #3 : digital audiovisual sponsoring.

We are dealing here with partnership that corporations do with producers in order to create short videos that may do a lot of buzz on the internet. These videos are funny, entertaining and are able to make a lot of traffic !
This you tube video for instance has been seen 7517214 since September (in less than 3 months !!). It's true that Youtube con siders that you have seen a only if it appears on your page : even if haven't watched it You Tube will say that you have seen it ! It is not exactly accurate on YouTube, but it is on Dailymotion and it still can be on other video sharing website. That is to say : even if the technology is not perfect on Youtube this tool remains a good one !

This advertainment video is very useful because we can read how many poeple saw the video, and have access to their feeling and thought thanks to their posts on the page. This communication Tool will certainly spread itself in the futur years.

jeudi 6 novembre 2008

How to make money on Internet #2 : Being a star on Internet ! Example of Mickaël Vandetta

Who is Mickael Vandetta ?
First have a look at this ! It's really amazing !

How everything started ?
Mickel Vandetta started to become famous because he posted on dailymotion, youtube and other video sharing website videos of himself. Because he was handsome and that his videos were funny because of the extremly serious way he was showing off, he started to become famous.

However as you saw it before : his body is only a part of his succes, his aggressiv and superior tone is just as important as his body !

Because of the buzz around him, television and the press started to talk about the "Vandetta Phenomenon" and he was invited in various talkshows and many documentaries started to deal with this issue. Cauet first invited him in his show "la méthode cauet"
Here you can see how harsch poeple are with him and how arrogant are his answer !

What should we think about this ?
Mickael Vandetta is very clever beacause he learned how to use the media today. He is aware that provocation is a way to success; he is proposing us a very coherent strategy. The key of his tactic is to use nowaday's fascination for the body as a weapon and of his own personality to become famous and earn money through advertisments for instance.

A web site very usefull to earn money on Internet !!

40 Ways to Make Money on the Internet !
Click here.

How to make money on Internet ? #1 : an example of an on line advertising firm : ADBRITE

What is Adbrite ?

"AdBrite, "The Internet's Ad Marketplace", powers the world's most trusted and transparent marketplace to buy and sell online advertising.
As of September 2006, AdBrite is proud to work with over 20,000 sites, and now serves ads on more than 650,000,000 page views a day."

These few lines taken from the official website describes Adbride's policy as regards the market place.This firm gives you the possibility to sell space on your site for ads. Adbride also gives the possibility for a corporation which is looking for some space in a website to find propositions and also to design your advertisment to the website through specific softwares. Very recently you can put advertisment videos on your Website
Adbrite is therefore an important intermediary between corporations and website which make easier the deal between the two trading parties and gives you the possibility if you have a website or a blog with a good level of traffic, to make money easily ! Without doing anything!!

What is Google Adsense ?
This Google service is exactly like Adbrite, except that its purpouse is to propose adequate advertisment to your content. Google will quickly analyse your page and will propose you the annouces and advertisment that correspounds to the themes, ideas and contents of your pages !!
Google Adsense is much more famous compared with Adbrite ! Adbrite wheigts 13 billions each month and Google Adsense :16.59 billions !
Adbrite also copies the Google Adsense application for video advertisment !

jeudi 30 octobre 2008

The danger of Internet #1 -Hikikomorism and the dissolution of social relashionship

Internet is a media.
A media is not evil in itself however it can have good or terrible consequences...human, economical, sociological or political.
I will try to post different article abount various subject showing the variety of nasty side effects of the web...

Here, we will evoke the problemn of hikikomorism...this word describes originally a japanese phenomenon however, even if this trend is deeply based in the japanese culture, it can easely spread itself all around the world -as it is the case in the United States, Europe or Asia- though this phenomenon is not grounded on the same cause for Japan has its own specificity.
Who is an hikikomori ?

An Hikikomory, is basicly somoene who doesn't want to go out from his home or room. They usualy are young male japanese teenagers...There are various causes to this trend. The basis of this trend is of course psychological troubles which are coming from inside or outside of the family (divorce, bullying at school, pressure of the workplace).
Others facts are to add : parental's lack of authority, spoiled children...
Though this trend is vey specific to japan because of its culture (the very heavy pressure of the school and the workplace over young poeple, the dissolution of the tradition, the culture of the honnor which leads their parents to hide them instead of curing them by an external specialist), we also have to add the very strong connections of kids with Internet and new means of communications.

Even if this japanese trend has some specificities, the main fatcs can be found anywhere else.
We have of course, lots of case in Asia but also in Western countries such as America or Germany. We all know about these kids playing all time Counter Strike and Warcraft untill they die ! Though they are not exactly Hikikomories, they show that this tred is spreading itself progressiveley.
A trend which is developing itself thanks to Internet.
Internet is not a cause of the Hikikomorism, this pathology may exist without Internet. However, Internet made it easier because you don't have anymore to go out in order to earn a living or to do shopping : you can work on internet, meet poeple on internet, earn money on internet and basicaly live in a parallel world on internet.

However : what kind of live is this ?
Generally speaking, the true hikikomory are not earning thei living on Internet : they still depend on their parents...if they earn money, it's through video games (selling accounts on World of Warcraft) and the poeple they meet in those game are never seen in the real life : they have an abstract relashionship...though we should not exagerate the emptines of theses kind of relashionship...but we have to admt that it is difficult to be friend with someone we never have seen !
To conclude, I would say that Hikikomirsm is the last chapter of the dissolution of social relashionship in our contemporary society, a dissolution made possible thanks to the develpoment of the science and the new means of communication. However we should not blame the means of communication themselves : we should blame their nasty consequence over poeple.

jeudi 23 octobre 2008


Hello, here you have an extract of a movie (89') I created in 2005. This extract is in the middle of the movie and is difficult to understand if you havn't seen the others scene. The montage will seem to you very weird...

WEI 2007-2008

Dcouvrez ici la vidéo d'introduction du WEI édition 2007-2008 dont j'ai crée la vidéo ! J'espère que vous aimerez ! En tout cas nous on a aimé !

dimanche 19 octobre 2008


I like video games amv : here we have a video which mixes Nintendo's Majora's Mask with Duran Duran's music for James Bond View to a Kill. This is so interesting ! Nice shot too the creator ! The music just oesn't fit, however I do like this video game clip !! Good Job !!

mercredi 8 octobre 2008

Are open source softs a good thing ?

Open source softs are a softwares that anyone can have access to the web. thtey are free but they are not exactly free softwares. Open source softs can me modified by everybody they are not only free but "open". They are not protected by auther rights or producer rights and contribute to build a free and participative internet world. Open source softs my be as good as officials softs. Communities of passionnated fan and hardocers geeks may be just as competitiv as paied employers ! What is more, in the very biggining of computer science, all softwares were open source files ! They were not for sale. Computer were for sale. Not softwares. Free softwares were kind of a selling argument or strategy ! By the way I should say that personally I use open source softs instead replacing word or excel or power point and they're just as good as these.

jeudi 2 octobre 2008


Google is working with HTC and Orange to build a Google Mobile Phone, which could possibly have Google software inside and will therefore be able to do many of the web tasks smartly. The device, article speculates, could go on sale in 2008.

The phone called Androïd, seems great. For the first time we will have a true access to the web with great and efficient application. I will be able to go on you tube and spend all day long over there without any troubles !You may have access to various useful applications such as chatting for instance. The graphical possibilities of this phone are terrific (you have a true little computer) and what is more : you can move yourself in the digital environments without any mouse and interact with your phone thanks to your finger ! You can touch your screen ! Your finger will be recognized !

This item sounds like te new weapon of google to conquest the world. However, google is not alone. Microsoft had the same idea : developping a computer based mobile system in order to develop mobile possibilities. The idea is basicly to produce a mobile which could be able to replace comuter or to be as good as a computer for many applications. This is linked or at least intertwined with the new market of very low computer costs. In stead of buying a computer and a mobile you may have both.

No matter which mobile or computer will win, this market, this new mobile is a new chapter of the media convergence global trend and is thefore very satisfying.

Obama has launched his SMS communication strategy to expand its grassroots network and organize volunteers for events. You can also get Obama themed wallpapers and ringtones. His rival, the senator Hillary Clinton also initiated this strategy.

There are few examples of tactics adapted from this strategy.

"SMS voters at the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association Wireless I.T. & Entertainment 2008 tradeshow in San Francisco have “elected” Barack Obama the next President of the United States" (found on mobile marketer website). This mini election gave the choice between Obama and his pal MC Cain and lead the democrate to the victory for Obama captured 56.2 percent of the CTIA vote, which was conducted in September 10-12.

Yet, this event is not an isolated case : we have here a video showing that thousands of poeple during a Barack Obama show are sending messages to convince poeple to vote or subscribe for Barack Obama or at least to join him. These images are amazing : we can see an entire stadium shouting and sending sms for Obama.

Obama has also decided to announce his vice president Joe Bidden, Delaware senator, by the 23 of August through sms. His crew sent 2,9 billions of sms (accuording to Nielson Mobile). Accuording experts, this is the most impressive and massive SMS campaing ever in United States. However, the name of the vice president had been published in the press before the official SMS campaign.

There are many reason to these strategies : 1° mobile are becoming the main way to contact poeple for more and moire poeple are using mobile instead of home line telephone 2° this mean is very adequate to the new communication strategy which is used in the usa : using a buzz phenomenon which spread itself from group to group and poeple to poeple (almoast by words of mouth one could say) to convey political messages in addition to classical means (tv, radio, newspaper) -the buzz means using groups or community 3° it's a mass communication strategy, however, poeple may feel more concerned about this message for it is a way to participate and to act in person, to feel concerned but as a human being, not as a passive information consumer.

Something nice I have done last week : my memo

I started to work on my memo whose subject is AMV. I study the relashionship between official licence such as live movies, comics japanese animes, video games and the non official and unlawful use internet user make of them.
As I have already explained it, an AMV is made of animated movies and series. However you can found AMV which are taken of video games. I found a nice one about the video SIMS which is very rare because the SIMS is not a narrative game.
In order to compensate this lack of narration, the auther tried to imitate the narrative construction of clips who mixes danses and fiction.
I also like the music who is adequate to a such clip.
Here I put a link to you tube (god bless you tube) in order you can discover LALALA' SIMS (that's the amv's name):

mercredi 1 octobre 2008

An application that I like

This is difficult to choose one. There are so plenty of useful appplications on the net. This is the reason why I would like to talk about something I appreciiate mor personnaly. I am passionnated with cinema and animation. One of the aplication I appreciate is virtual Dub. It's a programm which can convert all your movies/episode into editing files. Thanks to these files you can create little movies called AMV (Animated Motion Video) thanks to a movie editor such as Adobe Premiere. You also need a programm to convert you mp3 into wav files in order to use in your "montage".
Here you have an example of what you can do with this stuff. The author mixed two mangas with a james bond music in order to recreate the james bond universe with other characters (City hunter and Sailor Moon). It's just amazing !!

jeudi 25 septembre 2008

My best English language learning tool web site

I didn't have the time to look out lots of web site on internet however among the few I saw, the BBC's applications was very complete and simple to use.

One can practice its vocabulary and grammar or can browse videos and music ; read news or study courses. What is more : there even hase a section for teachers in order to help them in their courses.

I personnally appreciated the "HOW TO" exercice for you can have practical and useful information throuh themes such as "how making suggestions". I haven't got the time to watch every part of the web site but I had the time to see how rich it was.


Look !
Here you have an example of what looks like the logo rss on a web site. Clicking on the Icon or on the link allows you to have access to the rss application.
But what exactly is an rss ?
An rss is a data format (often XML based) used for providing users with frequently updated content. Content distributors syndicate a web feed by allowing users to subscribe to it. The main use of the rss is dedicated to the reception of news (AFP for instance).
It is very useful for a blogue for instance because poeple can be aware of all the recent changes though they haven't witnessed these changes. This application is a very crucial point in a constant changing digital word where we are not able to follow every thing at the same moment.
Making a collection of web feeds accessible is known as aggegation which is performed by an Internet aggregator.
Here you have a little video showing what is an rss. It's pretty easy and nice. Whatch it on Dailymotion.


Hello, I would like to talk about a website that I really liked.
I think it changed the life of lots of professionnal and amators artists.
This website which can be compared with dailymotion give an opportunity to show one's drawings on internet.
I discovered on that site so gifted artists from all ages and all over the world !
Poeple that are genarally amators !
It's amazing !

I give you here an example :The Dark Knight
You can appreciate the work on the light and the contrast.

What is e-culture ?

Digital media and information technologies have not only changed our world, they have also changed the way we see the world, relashionship betwen poeple, the way we live -all this giving rise to new values defining e-culture.

e-culture can be defined as being a culture of "freedom". Anyone can express himself and can contribute to internet. This is based on the idea of "web 2.0" which defines a web in which poeple contributes to internet in the same way they use it. This freedom can give rise to the best (blogues for instance) or to the worst (pirates are the expresion of this ideal for they see themselves as defending internet from the constraints of political or economical institutions). This trend of Internet can sometime infringe on the privacy of poeple (hidden webcam access to informations of all sort and the like).

However, it seems quite clear that this primitive ideal of an absolute freedom is going to change for a society can tolerate an absolute freedom : regulation is the key word to define the institutions' will as regards Internet.

The second value of internet is the notion of "community". The freedom poeple can find on Internet leads them to work together. As a matter of fact : expressing one's self alone has no use.
Expression is grounded on communication and on the notion on community. If anyone is able to express his self it will definitly spawn groups of interest, communities of thoughts and of habits. This another very important concept for the built of the Web 2.0 is "group and community oriented". Here there is an important social and cultural catch : communitarism and the end of an open society.

An other part of e-culture which is related to this question is the issue of "free-riders". This concept created by the school of public's choice means that poeple will always prefer what is free to what costs money. Almoast since the beggining poeple exchage informations and gifts for free. It became a part of Internet. This value is not grounded on "robbery" but on "community" and on "freedom" : you can share with your community and friends what is yours in terms of information and softwares. Of course, here we have an important other problem : the necessity for the market to adapt itself to the free rider's spirit which can be dangerous for the economy.

This main ideas builds the trinity of the e-culture. They are at the bottom, the others idea or values are second to these one.