jeudi 20 novembre 2008

Reading and Correction Test:

At the moment, I am working in a corporation that produces software for childrens. That corporation of 65 employees is located in Paris in the 15th “arrondissement” in the street called Rue Maubert.

We received a subvention from the state to hire young interns -this being how I received my salesman job. At the beginning, In the first time,I was responsible for the marketing department, but I changed later.

We sell a range of products under the Youngsoft brand. We have many charges associated with marketing. Our billboards in the metro are one of the most expensive. Our Press Relations department also has a very large budget. We realize our own ads with the editorial staff and we do our own edition of user books.

Our quarterly results for this year have been all very profitable and the market is very interesting right now. That is why we are profitable.

We want to commercialize our products in Tahiti because we think metropolitan customers would be interested in buying them.

In one word, because of our strong ethical commitment and interesting market niche, we are having a rosy future.

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