mercredi 12 novembre 2008

How to make money on Internet #4 : playing VIDEO GAMES !

Video games on Internet are very common place.
And it is very easy to earn money through video games.
We have different possibilites.

You may play poker on Internet or such kind of games. This kind of games are more and more used by poeple from the yongest to the oldest. In a country such as France, the state is the only entitled to rule the world of this kind of game, a rule is about to make legal tis kind of game on te web. This shows how massivly these games are played on the web !!

However, there are still other way to earn money : virtal gaming with SECOND Life for instance where you can earn a virtual but convertible money thanks to a true parallel but legal workplace. You can for instance play a hustler and then earn money if you are very famous !!!

Another possibility consists in playing like hell to MMORPG and to sell one's caracter ! This kind of trade is worthy because there is always somone who wants to buy a very powerfull caracter without spoiling his life on the web !!

2 commentaires:

alba86 a dit…

I prefer the traditional games to the video games.Always I finish with a horrible headache. In addition...they are an addiction!!

but I have to say that I love The Sims..

Anonyme a dit…

You can also play on websites like !