mercredi 26 novembre 2008

How to make money on Internet #6 : The million dollard page

What is the milion dollar page ?
This Idea is a creation of Alex Tew : we all knows what it is about...he created a one milion pixel page and proposed to sell 1 dollard each pixel...and who could believe it : he sold them all !! Is there any business model possible ?

Is it possible for poeple to imitate this idea ? Well, in fact some poeple tried...but they never had the same success because this strategy could only be successful once ! Internet is based on the buzz and buzz means that you have a new, an original trend, product or idea that can catch people's attention...a new way to make money will definitly be a good way to make buzz...however : is the million dollar page original and attractive when thousands of poeple use the same trick ?! Not really...this page was attractive when it was new...this is the reason why this young boy could find poeple ready to pay...but soomething like that cannot last for ever because its business model is based on the buzz marketing !

Therefore, the million dollard page is not a good way to make money on WAS a good way to make money on the Internet !

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