mercredi 26 novembre 2008

The danger of Internet #2 : digital pirats or the case of Kevin Mitnick

Who was Kevin Mitnick ?
Kevin Mitnick was a haker who became very famous thanks John Badham's movie War Game where the WWIII was launched because of a computer genius such as Kevin.

Kevin started his "career" at 12 when he cheated the L.A bus system and could get free bus rides anywhere in the greater LA area. He continued in high school where he was introduced by "Petronix" to phone phreaking and started then to manipulate telephones for free. Mitnick also cracked the access to the speaker systems of restaurants.
However he really became famous when he started the computer hacking. He was famous for having hacked the FBI, the Pentagon, the Los Angeles school network and some others.

Kevin Mitnik is the first and the very figure of the cyber crime (before NEO !) and is the symbol of a cybercriminal a matter of fact, every culture can be dangerous...cyber-culture and e-culture also can be Kevin is a professionnal of Internet Security system and try to show us that he is not anymore a hacker and that his carrier is finished...he can be actually compared to somone like Franck William Junior Abgnal and the case of PAM AM(a modern version of Abagnal though !)

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