jeudi 2 octobre 2008

Something nice I have done last week : my memo

I started to work on my memo whose subject is AMV. I study the relashionship between official licence such as live movies, comics japanese animes, video games and the non official and unlawful use internet user make of them.
As I have already explained it, an AMV is made of animated movies and series. However you can found AMV which are taken of video games. I found a nice one about the video SIMS which is very rare because the SIMS is not a narrative game.
In order to compensate this lack of narration, the auther tried to imitate the narrative construction of clips who mixes danses and fiction.
I also like the music who is adequate to a such clip.
Here I put a link to you tube (god bless you tube) in order you can discover LALALA' SIMS (that's the amv's name):

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