jeudi 30 octobre 2008

The danger of Internet #1 -Hikikomorism and the dissolution of social relashionship

Internet is a media.
A media is not evil in itself however it can have good or terrible consequences...human, economical, sociological or political.
I will try to post different article abount various subject showing the variety of nasty side effects of the web...

Here, we will evoke the problemn of hikikomorism...this word describes originally a japanese phenomenon however, even if this trend is deeply based in the japanese culture, it can easely spread itself all around the world -as it is the case in the United States, Europe or Asia- though this phenomenon is not grounded on the same cause for Japan has its own specificity.
Who is an hikikomori ?

An Hikikomory, is basicly somoene who doesn't want to go out from his home or room. They usualy are young male japanese teenagers...There are various causes to this trend. The basis of this trend is of course psychological troubles which are coming from inside or outside of the family (divorce, bullying at school, pressure of the workplace).
Others facts are to add : parental's lack of authority, spoiled children...
Though this trend is vey specific to japan because of its culture (the very heavy pressure of the school and the workplace over young poeple, the dissolution of the tradition, the culture of the honnor which leads their parents to hide them instead of curing them by an external specialist), we also have to add the very strong connections of kids with Internet and new means of communications.

Even if this japanese trend has some specificities, the main fatcs can be found anywhere else.
We have of course, lots of case in Asia but also in Western countries such as America or Germany. We all know about these kids playing all time Counter Strike and Warcraft untill they die ! Though they are not exactly Hikikomories, they show that this tred is spreading itself progressiveley.
A trend which is developing itself thanks to Internet.
Internet is not a cause of the Hikikomorism, this pathology may exist without Internet. However, Internet made it easier because you don't have anymore to go out in order to earn a living or to do shopping : you can work on internet, meet poeple on internet, earn money on internet and basicaly live in a parallel world on internet.

However : what kind of live is this ?
Generally speaking, the true hikikomory are not earning thei living on Internet : they still depend on their parents...if they earn money, it's through video games (selling accounts on World of Warcraft) and the poeple they meet in those game are never seen in the real life : they have an abstract relashionship...though we should not exagerate the emptines of theses kind of relashionship...but we have to admt that it is difficult to be friend with someone we never have seen !
To conclude, I would say that Hikikomirsm is the last chapter of the dissolution of social relashionship in our contemporary society, a dissolution made possible thanks to the develpoment of the science and the new means of communication. However we should not blame the means of communication themselves : we should blame their nasty consequence over poeple.

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